
BGTW Tourism Awards – Best Wider World Tourism Projects 2015

Best Wider World Tourism Award: Túcume Museum, Peru (Hilary Bradt).

It highlights a relatively unknown civilisation that flourished in northern Peru from about 1100AD until the Conquest of the Incas. Its members built huge pyramids and produced extraordinarily intricate artwork. In the past, the area of northern Peru in which these impressive remnants are located has not been visited by many tourists. This museum is expected to address this imbalance. The site encompasses one of the pyramids, to show the tombs in situ, as well as excavated artefacts. A botanical garden showing the typical dry-zone flora completes the picture of the region as a whole.

Highly Commended: the Birthplace of Country Music in Bristol, Virginia, USA (Lindsay Sutton).

Revitalising a remote corner of the state, the lively museum tells the story of the 1927 Bristol Sessions, when The Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers were the first to record authentic American music. The Mémorial ACTe, the Caribbean Center for the Expression and Memory of the Slave Trade and Slavery, Guadeloupe ( (Judith Baker).

It draws upon Guadeloupe’s history, as well as ethnology, social anthropology and history of the Arts.

Merit Awards:

Benita Finanzio
By: Benita Finanzio Secretariat