Announcements News

New Leaf

BGTW members’ socials including our BGTW members Facebook page are about to get a new look. Based on feedback from our membership and due to popular demand, we’re creating two new social spaces, where people can swap ideas, trade contacts, post information, make comments and more.

The first is the members’ side of the BGTW website, which has been updated and renamed as In:House, where all members can post their articles, making it work harder for you. Moderated by the BGTW Board, all posts will need webmaster approval, as is the current situation.

The second is the new British Guild of Travel Writers Members Facebook Group, restricted to Members, Associates and Honorary Members. Just like In:House, all posts will be approved by our Facebook moderators, ensuring a safe environment and encouraging people to swap and share industry information and ideas.

As part of this, the current BGTW Facebook Members Group will no longer be an official BGTW group, or be moderated by the board. Members still wishing to use this group will choose a moderator and determine its direction. BGTW branding and official related historic posts will be removed. This is in part a decision made due to Members’ complaints around some comments posted in the group.

Other channels, such as the BGTW Facebook Page will be unaltered.

We look forward to a refresh in our internal communications and social media sites coming soon!

Mark Bibby Jackson
By: Mark Bibby Jackson Editor, Freelance Journalist, Travel Writer