BGTW Talks Travel: Sustainability in travel media – In conversation with Jeremy Smith

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The BGTW is intending to sign the Glasgow Declaration: Climate Action in Tourism but what does that mean? How does being sustainable translate into what we do in travel publishing, as travel media? Jeremy Smith, co-creator of the declaration, will explain what it’s all about and will help us focus on what we can do rather than can’t, in this free-to-attend Q&A with the BGTW’s Sustainability Director, Diana Jarvis. This free-to-attend webinar aired on Tuesday 19th July 2022; watch the recording by adding it your basket.

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This free-to-attend webinar aired on Tuesday 19th July 2022; you can watch the recording by adding it your basket.

Q&A with sustainable tourism expert, Jeremy Smith | Interviewed by BGTW Sustainability Director Diana Jarvis

When: Tuesday 19th July 2022
4pm-5pm BST on Zoom
Register here

The BGTW is intending to sign the Glasgow Declaration: Climate Action in Tourism. But what does that really mean? How does that affect what we do in travel publishing? Sustainable tourism expert Jeremy Smith, co-creator of the Declaration, will explain what it’s all about and will help us focus on what we can do rather than can’t.

What is the Glasgow Declaration? It’s a set of climate action plans with a timeframe in which to achieve them. They will be declared publicly and reported on annually so that progress can be monitored. We would be signing as a supporting organisation along with the likes of Condé Nast Taveller and TTG, as well as our Australian counterpart, the ASTW, among many others. Our quest is to develop plan that plays a role in supporting the industry in the five ways: Measure, Decarbonise, Regenerate, Collaborate and Finance.

Sustainability in an industry that has been heavily reliant on carbon-intensive air travel; now it’s about embracing the complexity and making little changes that can lead to bigger ripples. Jeremy will explain the many ways in which we can still share our love of exploring the world and communicate that to our audiences, but while also paying heed to the needs of the growing climate crisis.

Join the conversation by registering here.

Jeremy Smith, co-founder, Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency
Jeremy Smith is a writer and strategist for climate action in tourism. In 2020, he co-founded Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency, a global initiative calling on tourism destinations and businesses to work together on equitable science-based climate action. In 2021, he was a co-author of the UNWTO-led Glasgow Declaration: Climate Action in Tourism., which launched at COP26 in Glasgow. The author of the books Transforming Travel – realising the potential of sustainable tourism and Clean Breaks – 500 New Ways to See the World, he advises destinations and businesses in sustainable tourism strategy, and sits on the advisory boards of the Future of Tourism Coalition and Travalyst.
Twitter: @jmcsmith

Interviewed by:
Diana Jarvis – BGTW Sustainability Director, photographer and writer
With an MSc in Environment & Sustainability, undertaken during the pandemic, in which she focussed on sustainability in travel, Diana Jarvis is the BGTW’s Sustainability Director. A freelance photographer and writer, she currently works full-time for the National Trust on the web team and also edits Eye for the Light from Travel Photographer of the Year.
Twitter: @diana_jarvis
Instagram: @Diana_Jarvis

Want to submit questions for the webinar in advance? Email BGTW events director Meera Dattani here. We hope to see you there!

More info

The event is free to everyone: members and non-members.

We welcome questions in advance so we can ensure the session covers everything you want to know. You can also use the Q&A option during the event, and the Chat box will be open.

Can’t make it on the day? If you register for the session, you’ll receive a recording/link to the event within a week, as will all attendees.

What’s the ‘additional donation‘ for? Any donations help the Guild do a number of things: Provide our standard webinars free of charge for those who can’t afford a ticket; help keep costs down at just £6 a ticket for our usual webinars; help us put on future useful events for members and non-members.

How do I join a BGTW Talks Travel talk/discussion?

  1. Sign up using the dropdown menu at the top of this page and buy your ticket.
  2. You’ll then receive a Zoom registration link. You need to complete this in order to be sent a Zoom link to join on the day. We advise you register as soon as you buy your ticket to avoid missing the event, or the start of the event. (You can sign up and download Zoom here).
  3. At the time of the webinar, click on the Zoom link in the email and you’ll be taken to the Zoom website. You can also join via Zoom’s desktop or mobile app.
  4. Once the panel is ready to begin, you’ll be admitted to the room. You’ll be able to see and hear the panellists and moderator, type messages in the Zoom chat, and send questions in the Q&A box. You won’t be visible or audible to other participants, but your name will show if you join in the chat.

Any other questions, just let us know and we’ll do our best to help. We hope to see you at the event.

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