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Broadcaster, Speaker, Travel Writer, Podcaster and Bird Guide Tour Leader
Writer, Photographer, Presenter, Broadcaster

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Full Member (Accredited October 2024)


David Lindo is The Urban Birder – broadcaster, writer, speaker, educator and bird tour leader. His mission is to engage city folk around the world with the environment through the medium of birds.

He has written countless articles on urban birds, urban conservation and wildlife in general for many websites, publications and magazines and has written the Forwards to several books. He is a regular television and radio presenter and has been featured on the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 in the UK as well as other TV and radio channels around the world including CBS in the United States.

David was recently named as the 7th most influential person in wildlife by BBC Wildlife Magazine and in 2020 was shortlisted for the Professional Publishers Association (PPA) Columnist of the Year Award. He sat as a judge for the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021 and Bird Photographer of the Year 2021.

He is a Fellow of the International League of Conservation Writers and a member of the British Travel Writers Guild. He is the Founder of the Tower 42 Bird Study Group and Britain’s Vote National Bird Campaign in 2015 that resulted in over 226,000 votes.

He was awarded the prestigious HH Bloomer Award in 2021 by the Linnean Society of London and has a play based on his life as The Urban Birder currently being staged by Wroclaw Contemporary Theatre, Poland.

He is the author of The Urban Birder (Bloomsbury) 2011, Tales From Concrete Jungles (Bloomsbury) 2015, #Urban Birding (Kosmos) 2018, How To Be An Urban Birder (Princeton/WildGuides) 2018 and The Extraordinary World of Birds (DK) 2022.

David’s roles:
Vice-President Wildfowl &amp; Wetlands Trust
President Friends of Suntrap Forest Centre
Honorary President Colombia Bird Fair
World Ambassador Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society
Urban Ambassador CJ Wildlife
Digital Ambassador Naturehood (Earthwatch Europe)
Ambassador for Leica Optics, OM System Ambassador, Páramo Directional Clothing, EjoNoja Festival, London Wildlife Trust, Rare Bird Alert, Conservation Without Borders, Hidden Hearing
Patron Birding For All, British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Lundy Island &amp; River Crane Sanctuary

Destination Expertise

United Kingdom (UK), Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Portugal, Spain, United States of America (USA)


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