Biography :
American-born, London-based travel writer and editor over 40 years for publications on both sides of the Atlantic. Launched Holiday USA and Canada, the UK's first consumer magazine dedicated to North America, and in 1994 its successor, Essentially America, which she still edits, writes for and serves as both commissioning editor and editorial director. It is dstributed to UK subscibers and to USA-bound passengers at selected airline gates at London's Heathrow International Airport. Copy written or commissioned by Mary Moore is also published in Essentially America's sister German publication Mein Amerika and the writer also edits her new blog Mary Go Round America and recently published a travel/lifestyle memoir Goodbye Hoop Skirts, Hello World! The Travels, Triumphs and Tumbles of a Runaway Southern Belle. She was chairman of the BGTW from 2014-2016,