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Russell Maddicks is driven by an undimmed passion for venturing into parts unknown (to him) and polishing up his Spanish. Over the last 25 years he has travelled all over Latin America and Spain, publishing his experiences in print, online and on social media. He has written articles for BBC Travel, Wanderlust Magazine, National Geographic Traveller, and Songlines.He has written guides to Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala. Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and co-authored guides to the Spanish speaking islands of the Caribbean and Central America.
Join him on his travels on Twitter and Instagram @LatAmTravelist.
Destination Expertise
South America, SpainSpecialisms
Adventure Travel, Budget Travel, Contextual Journalism & Reporting, Culture & History, Cycling, Ethical or Responsible Travel, Flight-free Travel, Food & Drink, Luxury Travel, Slow Travel, Sustainable Travel, Wildlife & Birdlife (non-safari)Recent & Upcoming Trips
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