
Toot the horn / The Tweet machine

The Guild has been celebrating the wins of Bella Falk, Lottie Gross, Paul Healy and Simon Parker at the Travel Media Awards.

Just a reminder that the Guild is always happy to help ‘toot the horn’ for any particular news/announcements that you might like to push on

This last fortnight, the Guild has been celebrating the wins of Bella Falk, Lottie Gross, Paul Healy and Simon Parker at the Travel Media Awards:
 – congratulations again to all of you!

Also please do try out the ‘BGTW Tweet machine’ (name patent pending) – go to to send us information for any tweets that you might like to send from the @TravWriters Twitter account. Thanks to new Commercial Director Antonia Windsor for the suggestion.

As the boredom of Lockdown 3 sets in, please be aware that you are always welcome to call just for a chinwag – Benita and Rob have been doing this for a decade already, God bless their souls, but of course I’m here too. My mobile number is 07949 816876.

If there is appetite for such a thing we will set up a more formal rota and people can get in touch to call each other as and when – thanks to Guild member Tina Ediss for the idea. Thanks also to Stuart Foster for arranging the sundowner event last week – there was some insightful and entertaining chat! We’ll set up more of these in future – the next one is slated for March.

Simon Willmore
By: Simon Willmore Author, Digital Manager, Writer