So, we are finally looking forward to the gradual process of easing the lockdown. We all probably need a bit of personal grooming and perhaps a pint down the pub, but I know the scientists are very concerned that we will experience a further peak in infections as a result. It was certainly concerning recently to see the ‘mass’ gatherings on beaches and at other events.

I am sure that a lot of people feel that they are invincible, but the death toll should prove to them otherwise. Having said that I think the vast majority of people are concerned about their own, their family and other people’s welfare and will continue to take precautions and follow the government’s advice.
I am sure that part of the easing of lockdown is to help businesses to survive this unprecedented situation, and whilst there will inevitably be casualties, hopefully most businesses will find ways to survive, innovate and perhaps come out stronger in due course.
At the end of the day, what we must hope for is that we find a vaccine that can be administered and produced easily, and then maybe we can start getting back to some semblance of normality.
I am deliberately keeping my words brief this month, but I am providing some specific links to our COVID-19 Hub on our website.
“If anything should happen to me….”
Perhaps morbidly but none the less very topical, we should be considering reviewing the terms of our will and certainly if we have no will, there are potential complications that could ensue if we passed away intestate. My colleague, Stephen Coby, has written a blog on the subject:
Personal resilience
Two of the firm’s partners, Mark Cutis and James Lay have put together a series of videos relating to personal resilience, which I have found very useful;
Mark and James are also doing a weekly podcast, Impromptu Business Chat, which I think you might find entertaining and useful:
Alright, they are not exactly ‘Morecambe and Wise’, but I think you will find them interesting and hopefully provide you with some good ideas for moving forward.
If you have any queries or would like more information, you can contact me on 01473 833411 or [email protected]
This article is designed for the information of readers. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, information contained in this article may not be comprehensive and recipients should not act upon it without seeking professional advice.
“MHA Larking Gowen” is the trading name of Larking Gowen LLP, which is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (LLP number OC419486). Where we use the word partner it refers to a member of Larking Gowen LLP. © MHA Larking Gowen.