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Claire is a travel blogger and videomaker who specialises in overland adventures and lesser-visited countries. She's undertaken various overland trips, including from Bali to London without flying, London to Algeria without flying and all around Europe, South East Asia and Mexico. She also specialises in emerging destinations and has spent time in West Africa and Central Asia when covering this. Additionally, she runs "Go South West England", a website, newsletter and social media channels encouraging people to see more of the South West.Claire writes about sustainable travel with local tips on this blog, helping British people explore their own backyard.
Currently, she mainly write travel guides, but as the blog grows and traffic increases, she plans to create more journalistic pieces about different aspects of travel in South West England.
Claire also runs an international travel blog called Claire’s Footsteps ( She has been very quiet on this blog since the start of the pandemic, but hopes to start working on it more again when international travel resumes. This blog focuses mainly on overland travel and Claire has previously written a lot about solo female travel.
In 2019 she travelled from Bali to London without flying, and is currently writing a book about it.
Destination Expertise
Culture & History, Ethical or Responsible Travel, Flight-free Travel, Rail Travel, Scuba Diving, Slow Travel, Sustainable TravelRecent & Upcoming Trips
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