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Lisa is an award-winning travel-writer based on the French Riviera, London and Liguria. She lives in hardcore Provence, high in the hills behind Cannes, where wild boar are more common than celebrity bores. Lisa holds dual UK-Italian citizenship and, when not hobnobbing with the olive-nibbling classes, may be spotted truffling with hounds in Piedmont or infiltrating the Sicilian Mafia. It’s all about the story. As an individualist with a distinctive voice, Lisa’s forte is in-depth travel-writing and travel talks with a wry, insider’s perspective. Words for The Telegraph, Nat Geo and glossies.Independent-minded writer based in Cannes, London and Liguria with Italy/France as core expertise (past residence in Paris, Brussels, Florence and Rome). In-depth travel writing embracing culture; controversy; quirkiness, cruise, art, heritage, hiking, slow travel, ski, luxury, fashion, food and wine. Also an interviewer, speaker, guidebook author, blogger, media trainer – and copywriter for tourist boards worldwide. Specialist destinations include: Italy; France (especially the Riviera); the Mediterranean; Ireland; California; the Canaries; and cruise worldwide.
Website and blog: Note French contact details too as based in Cannes and London: Email: [email protected], tel (+33) 494 19 38 22) and London ([email protected]). Email contact preferred in the first instance.
Destination Expertise
United Kingdom (UK), Europe, Caribbean, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United States of America (USA)Specialisms
Art Galleries & Museums, Architecture & Design, Contextual Journalism & Reporting, Couples Travel, Cruise Travel, Culture & History, Ethical or Responsible Travel, Food & Drink, Hotel Reviews, Health & Wellbeing, Hiking, Luxury Travel, Rail Travel, Slow Travel, Sustainable TravelRecent & Upcoming Trips
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