With the generous support of ANTOR (the London based Association of Tourist Offices), the Guild has launched its new directory of members, dubbed “Yearbook Light”. As its description suggests, this is not the usual fat directory including a welter of industry information. At a launch in London, chair Alastair McKenzie explained the slimmed down version was intended to fill a gap while we re-vamped the full scale directory is prepared for publication next year. Yearbook light is aimed principally at commissioning editors, though some copies will be available to travel industry representatives. Alison Cryer, of ANTOR”S secretariat noted that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office had earlier that day rescinded its advice against non essential travel to the main tourist areas of Tunisia – one of the association’s members. She told a gathering of some 60 Guild members and invited industry contacts that this was ANTOR’s 65th year. “We have 55 – 60 members – it goes up and down because of budgets – but it would be nice to get to 65 this year. So if you know any countries, cities or regions that might like to join, please ask them to get in touch.”