
Members’ Excellence Awards finalists announced

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The finalists in the 2019 BGTW Members’ Excellence Awards have been announced! The winners are announced at the BGTW Annual Gala Awards Dinner, at The Savoy hotel in central London at the start of November – see for details.

The finalists are:

Best UK Travel Feature

Best Europe Travel Feature

  • Adrian Phillips (Twitter: @adrianphillips1) for ‘All Along the Watchtowers‘ published in National Geographic Traveller
  • James Stewart (Twitter: @itsjamesstewart) for ‘The edge of the world’ published in Which? Travel
  • Sue Watt (Twitter: @suewattuk) for ‘Snap! How I photographed the northern lights’ published in The Times
  • Emma Thomson (Twitter: @emmasthomson) for ‘Is Greenland the new Iceland?’ published in The Sunday Telegraph
  • Isabel Conway (Twitter: @conwayisabel) for ‘Crowning Glory of the Balkans’ published in Irish Daily Mail weekend

Best Wider World Travel Feature

Best Short-Read Travel Feature

Best Transport Feature – The Kenneth Westcott-Jones Award

Best Travel Guidebook – The Adele Evans Award

BGTW Blogger of the Year

BGTW Broadcaster of the Year

  • Adrian Phillips (Twitter: @adrianphillips1) for James Martin’s Saturday Morning (travel segment) / ITV
  • Juliet Rix (Twitter: @julietrix1) for From Our Own Correspondent – Dominica after the hurricane / BBC Radio 4
  • Jonathan Thompson (Twitter: @JT_Travels) for How To Do Las Vegas Like A High Roller /
  • Susan Schwartz (Twitter: @ALushLifeManual) for Why Savoie wines will knock your skis off! / Lush Life Podcast
  • Jon Holmes (Twitter: @jonholmes1) for The St Kitts Music Festival / BBC Radio

BGTW Photographer of the Year

  • Tim Bird (Twitter: @BirdTimothy) for work published in Blue Wings and
  • Diana Jarvis (Twitter: @Diana_Jarvis) for work published in, Cool Places, and National Geographic Traveller
  • James Rushforth (Twitter: @James_Rushforth) for work published in Photographing the Dolomites, 50 Years of Adventure Special Edition Book and Solent News Sales
  • Mark Andrews (LinkedIn: for work published in Vacations and Travel Magazine, Straits Times, Scoot and Serendib

BGTW Writer of the Year

  • Emma Gregg (Twitter: @Emma_Gregg) for work published National Geographic Traveller and Wanderlust
  • Adrian Phillips (Twitter: @adrianphillips1) for work published in National Geographic Traveller Family and National Geographic Traveller
  • James Stewart (Twitter: @itsjamesstewart) for work published in Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Times and Which? Travel
  • Emma Thomson (Twitter: @emmasthomson) for work published in The Sunday Telegraph and National Geographic Traveller UK
  • Ben Lerwill (Twitter: @benlerwill) for work published in National Geographic Traveller, / The Sunday Times and FRANCE Magazine
  • Jon Holmes (Twitter: @jonholmes1) for work published in and Sunday Times Travel